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Travel Articles - Europe

Practical Information and Travel Tips

Group Travel

Europe on Your Own
Should you see Europe with a group tour or independently? Our article discusses the pros and cons of each.

Rick Steves on Group Travel (Interview)
The guidebook author and TV travel host gives an insider's perspective (with warnings) on escorted tours. Also see our related review of his book, Postcards from Europe.


Hide This French Book 101
Hide This Spanish Book 101

Berlitz has published "a countdown of the 101 hottest expressions" in two languages. The inexpensive books make great bon voyage or buen viaje gifts for hip travelers and semester- or year-abroad students.


Europe for Pets 
Know the facts about European pet travel before bringing Fido or Fifi.


The Ultimate Camera Bag for Travelers
Martin Billingham of England has designed a nearly perfect hybrid of a camera bag and travel tote.

The Ultimate Travel Camera?
Archived article: A low-end photographer takes a high-end 35mm camera to Europe.


Tax-Free Shopping
Spend enough money in a European shop, and you may be entitled to a refund of Value-Added Tax (VAT). Here's how it works.

Paris Shopping
An illustrated review of Through The Windows of Paris: Fifty Unique Shops, by Michael Webb.

The Riches of Paris
A review of Meribeth Clemente's The Riches of Paris: A Shopping and Touring Guide, with excerpts and links to other resources on Paris and shopping in Europe.


Smoking in Europe  
The stereotype of ubiquitous Gitanes and Gauloises is fading, thanks to indoor smoking bans in an increasing number of Western European countries.


Talk Abroad
If you're visiting from abroad and touring more than one country, the National Geographic Talk Abroad SIM card is a convenient way to travel with your GSM phone.

National Geographic Travel Phone
Cellular Abroad offers rental phones for U.S. travelers that provide affordable roaming in Europe. The phone includes both U.S. and European phone numbers (including your home number, if you wish).

Vintage Travel

Packing for Europe in 1966
Forget your travel stereotypes about the Swinging Sixties. To the parents of North America's hippie generation, packing for Europe was more about suitcases and foundation garments than backpacks or tie-dyed t-shirts.

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